USPS® is implementing New mailing technology
requirements in 2024
What is IMI (Intelligent Mail Indicia)?
The intelligent mailing indicia is the next generation of metered indicia technology, designed to ensure all
your metered mail meets the current USPS compliance guidelines. It provides the highest standard of integrity and security to ensure information is securely transmitted to and from postage evidencing systems (PES). It captures real-time data with correct postage, down to Service Class and special fees, making mail flow more effciently.
How can Universal Business Solutions help?
To ensure your organization can continue to process metered mail without interruption, we encourage youto speak to your account representative today to learn how Universal Business Solutions can help you meet the new 2024 USPS mailing technology requirements.
Universal Business Solutions is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality of care and service, offering even more value, and allowing you more ways to save and send.
We are dedicated to consistently bring you innovative sending solutions with our SendPro® devices that are
IMI-compliant allowing you to quickly and easily process large quantities of mail, access discounted postage rates, automatically download USPS rate changes and accurately track spending.
Why is the USPS making the change?
The new IMI standard will provide much more detailed real-time transaction data, enabling the USPS to:
Employ better
security standards
Ensure correct postage is used
Below are the most popular models set for decertification:
Mailstation/Mailstation 2
SendPro C 200s
SendPro C 300s
SendPro C400s
Neopost IN750
Neopost IN700
Neopost IN600
Neopost IS480 - Hasler IM480
Neopost IS460 - Hasler IM460
Neopost IS440 - Hasler IM440
Neopost IS420 - Hasler IM420
Neopost IS400 - Hasler IM400
Neopost IS350 - Hasler IM350
Neopost IS330 - Hasler IM330
Neopost IS280 - Hasler IM280